Ahh, good times.
Holland was very eunthousastic, yelling "hi bunny" at the top of her lungs.
Her tune changed when it was her turn, she chose to watch brave brother from a distance.
When did it become exceptable for a woman to cruise the mall (husband and kid on tow) with boobs hanging out. Did I miss that memo?? I'm sure I would have caught it, the subject line would have probably read: tired of hiding the inner whore, rejoice! or Did you get new set of bolt on's? well walk around with them hanging out.
Don't get me wrong, I'm down with the boobies, and I'm far from being part of moral majority. I just think that there is a time amd place for it. I hate having to explain to five year old what is wrong with her, and to my two year old that the lady is not naked.
When did this happen? I'm guessing around the same time that Gottschalks (department store) thought it was a great time to advertise prostitution.
wait...maybe she works there.
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