Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Government control

I believe everyone should get the freedom choice.  I don't think that we should be monitored by Big Brother, The Government or Aliens that are planning to annihilate us.  I also believe that most people take this freedom and crap all over it, and ruin it for everyone.  There is a reason that the gas station stopped letting people use the restroom, because YOU messed it up for the whole class.

You should be able to buy what you want, when you want.  But there are some things that are a really bad idea.  I am not pro gun control, but think that you should not be allowed to buy a 30 round clip for your AK-47.  Why do you need that?  You can make the argument that it is one of our fundamental freedoms to bear arms.  I could not agree more.  However, I do not think our founding fathers meant that you should be better armed than most third world countries.  I am not suggesting that the government take control, I am saying that the manufacture needs to take some sort of responsibility.
This responsibility should resonate in all areas of our lives.  But, time and time again, I am faced with the fact that large corporations, just don't care.  This could not get any more evident than the latest menu item at McDonalds.  You can buy 50 McNuggets for $9.99.  This seems insane to me.  Why would you need 50 nuggets?  You can't argue that this item is for a family, when there are no other items on the menu that cater to this.  You can go to Kentucky Fried Chicken and buy a bucket of chicken.  They base their menu on this.  You can buy different combinations that are suited to your family.  Everything at McDonalds is for an individual, including the two cheeseburger meal.

Companies NEED to take responsibility for their actions.  This is the sort of thing that will lead to the government mandating that you cannot purchase more than said amount of calories per day.  This will happen and every wingnut in a trailer will scream that the government is trying to take control of EVERYTHING.  They wouldn't have to if society could show some self control.

I am a fattie, and I love to eat.  I will also be the first one to vote that there needs to be a mandatory waiting period to buy a crate of McNuggets.

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