Monday, October 24, 2011


When it comes to music, I like to stay on the cutting edge.  Even though I lean more towards Alternative, I really like all kinds of music.  Now when I say Alternative, I don't mean the crap on the radio.  I mean stuff that will not get air play because they can not afford to grease palms or they refuse to do so.

Every so often something comes up, and I am shocked that I didn't hear about it in advance.  Lou Reed and Metallica have an album coming out Oct 31!  I had to stop working, put an out of office on my phone and research this gem.  It is an album that is based around a theatrical interpretation of two works by modernist playwright Frank Wedekind.  OK, I am down.

I remember blowing money as a kid, by judging a band by the cover of the album.  Nowadays it is a couple clicks of a mouse to get a good taste of new music.  Well I tasted this, and can honestly say it is the musical version of a shit sandwich.  Even though I did not buy the album, I did stop working to check this out.  I will need Lou or Metallica to compensate me for time lost.

The music and the vocals do not match up.  It's like a Lou Reed album playing while the neighbor is blasting Metallica.  Now I am basing this on listening to half of the first track "the View", but I do not need to eat the whole shit sandwich before declaring that it is not good. 

I have a lot of respect for both Lou Reed and Metallica, but my assistant put it best "just because spaghetti and ice cream are good, does not mean that they should be together"

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