Tuesday, August 16, 2011

crazy produce

I don't mind going to the grocery store, that's where they keep all the food. Since I like to eat, it makes sense, that I like to buy the food I like to eat.  Try to keep up with the math.

For the most part, I buy name brand cereals for my kids. I don't mind buying the generic brand, when it tastes the same, but I am not going to deprive my kids from sugery goodness.  I also will not buy this cereal...

Not because it doesn't taste like Trix, because I really have no idea.  I won't buy it because of the name.  Freaky Fruits will lead to many uncomfortable conversations with my kids.  It is inevitable that they will ask, why are these fruits freaky?  I will either have to lie or tell them about the alternative lifestyle these fruits lead.  I am not suggesting that I will hide these things from my kids, but I don't condone launching into these conversations because of a box of cereal.

These fruits should be able to live their lives without public ridicule.  They should live like the majestic Pluot.  The Pluot is a cross between a plum and a apricot.  Or the Grapple, an apple that tastes like a grape.  They hang out in the specialty area of the fruit stand.  Nobody understands it, they gawk, then move on to the conventional fruit.  Not me.  I embrace this alternative fruit, and I do it in a way that is respectful.  I don't go around throwing labels, like freaky fruit. 

There will be a day, God willing, that there will be unlimited choices.  If you only like apples, great eat an apple.  If you only eat bananas, I don't judge.  I also want to eat my Pluot and Grapple, and nobody should try to stop me.  Mark my words, one day there will be a Cran-Apple the size of my head, and that my friend, is THE WORLD I WANT TO LIVE IN!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I find it ammusing that cran-apple isn't morphed into one word as well as pluot and grapple. I suppose a cran-apple sounds a lot more appetizing than a crapple.

    P.S. - Pluots are delicious! One of my favorite fruits.
