There is a little known potato chip that has made its way into my life, and I feel it is my duty to bring it to your attention. As a (impoverished) youth, we would take plain potato chips and dip them in ketchup. Do not look at me with disgust, you have a similar weird thing that you do with chips, that may or may not be illegal. There is a Heinz Ketchup potato chip that is available at Kmart. It is fantastic. It brings me back to my youth faster than a giant bowl of frosted flakes and H.R. Puffenstuff.
They also have pizza and steak flavored

We all know my views on eating meat. It is my way of making sure that we continue to remain on the top of the food chain. However, I have no problems eating vegetables or vegetable flavored snack foods. This would include any "sour cream and onion" flavored product.
Question: If you do not eat meat, will you eat a meat flavored snack food? If no animal was harmed in the making of said product or any animal byproduct was used, will you eat it? (please note, these meat flavored chips were not good. Unless you like your chips to taste like it was rubbed on old meat.)
The food industry will continue to push the envelope. In this case they sent out three products and one (ketchup) stuck, maybe. The others will meet the same fate as Clear Pepsi. What is your limit? When will you say "enough is enough". I will eat just about anything...once (note: there was a very unfortunate blood sausage incident that I am not too pleased about). But I too have my limit...I will not eat any meat shaped like Jesus or Buddha. I figure that is pushing my luck.
If your limit is droll then it says a lot about yourself. If you cant eat asparagus because your pee smells, then you are boring. If you don't eat them because you think they were raised inhumanely then you are one of my peeps. If you eat broccoli because they look like trees and it makes you feel like a giant or you don't eat corn because of that thing that happened when you spent the summer in Idaho. These are the interesting things that make us individuals. Actually...these are the things that make YOU A WINGUT.
Food tells us a lot about ourselves. One of the first signs that you are headed down the Wingnut road is how you handle food. Now take a good long look at your plate. What does it say about you? If you cant order any meal right off the menu or you have a list of demands that take longer than five minutes. You, my friend are a Wingnut in waiting.
And when you are standing on the street corner yelling at the lights. I will be there to record it. Thank you.
Mr. Lee - for months I have been struggling with the shame of a husband who dips all chips in ketchup. Sometimes when he dips, it makes me gag a little. Thank you for letting me know that wives everywhere are having to suffer this embarrassment. And no, steak-flavored chips are not getting me excited about life.