You do not talk about Lil' Fight Club

It takes a certain type a person that will gather kids around and make them fight. I witnessed this recently and was aghast.
I immediately wanted to question the moral aspect. The fact that grown men are being entertained by this blood sport. Then I realized that I cannot jump to conclusions and that maybe there is good reason for this.
Maybe these 4 and 5 year old kids, go to really bad preschool and parents feel that they need the added benefit of knowing how to kill another human with their bare hands.
Maybe parents believe that children lack discipline and would benefit from knowing how to kill another human with their bare hands.
Or just maybe the "Supe

What is the Super Hero Factor??
Thank you for asking...
Everyone knows in the back of their mind, which super power (if they could have one) they would like to have. I don't want to sound sexist, but women take a little longer to realize it than men. Men have been waiting for someone to ask them their whole life. Go ahead try it out. Ask someone in your office, If you could have any super power, what would it be. Men will answer before you finish question. Man from IT department will pull out drawing of the costume that they would wear from (Velcro Incredible Hulk) wallet.
Most people will give the standard answers and it typically says a lot about that person.
Ability to fly= Wants to be noticed, wants recognition.
Invisibility= Wants to drop out of society or is really creepy.
Super Strength= Picked on most of life and is looking for payback.
These people lack imagination and drive. These people are watching reality TV. I want to shake these people until they pass out, then write "loser" on their face with a Sharpie.
My super power is Weight Transfer. The ability to transfer body weight from myself or anyone else onto another person. I would be life of the party and crime would cease, when I make all criminals morbidly obese and unmotivated.
About right now, you are kicking yourself for not coming up with that. This is what happens when you live in a box. You need to go and make it happen yourself. Pick your own super power and don't wait for the list of pre-approved powers. This is a call to arms. Be your own super hero.
Cause there are going to be a lot of well trained 5 year olds and someone has to help me stop them.
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