Monday, December 19, 2011


Everyday I have a little meeting with a Sub-Contractor that works for me.  We have been working together for eight years.  He has a good heart, but is somewhat irritating and gullible as hell. About a month ago I turned to him and made the following statement:

"I give you a hard time about being a band wagon fan.  You root for the team that is doing the best, and readily admit to being a big game fan.  That is not acceptable.  Now that the NBA is on strike and the NBA and the WNBA will be merging, what team are you going to root for?"

The beutiful thing about a good lie is the little strand of truth that runs through it.  He sat down and was dumbfounded that the men's and women's teams will be competing together.  There is such a size and wieght difference that it seemed unfair.  That is when I spewed a bucket full of lies

"They can only put as many men that the other team has on the floor, so they are evenly matched.  Any foul committed on a female player is considered a flagrant foul and could lead to the ejection of said player.  This is just a special league that will be in place until the strike is resolved."


Fast forward to today.  I told him that since the NBA will begin their season on Christmas Day, this week is going to be jam packed with good NBA/WNBA games.  Each day will have three or four games on.

Why did I do this?  Well, mostly because I am mean.  Not just a little, but a whole lot of mean.  I will not be there when he finds out this was a lie.  He will be making small talk with someone, and want to seem like he is a sports guy.  That is when it will happen.

I love being me.

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