Every day has a "feel", Saturday feels like Saturday, Sunday feels like Sunday, and nobody likes Monday. Friday is usually a mixed bag. You have to go to work (that sucks), but the next day is Saturday, so you could tie one on and sleep it off. Even though it is mixed, Friday can still bring the heat. It is the day at work you enjoy. It is "Friday Light".
Last week I found out what my Boss's super power is. I spend a lot of time thinking and talking about "super powers". In my defense, no more than any other red blooded male. (Females don't waste their time thinking of these silly things. We think about super powers, whether or not we can kick the ass of every man in the room, and perfecting a plan if we are ever over run by zombies.) My Boss has the power to change the day. She successfully changed Friday into a Monday. Gloom crept through my office, like an ominous fog. I could see it in the faces of my staff, as I told them that my Boss was going to be in here.
This would be a cool power if you could change a Monday to a Friday. Unfortunately her power is to turn ANY day to a Monday. I don't know what her kryptonite is, but I will not rest until I figure it out.
Her kryptonite could be Ambien spiked coffee. Just let your staff know not to drink the coffee on days the boss is coming in.