Fill your kids with confidence, there are a lot of people in the world that are ready to knock them down. You don't have to one of them. Tell them they are beautiful or handsome, tell they are smart. Let the rest of the world tell them they are ugly or dumb. And when they do, be there to pick up the pieces. This is text book parenting. This is what we are supposed to do.
I don't care that I was not raised that way. I managed to get by regardless of my upbringing. It has made me a better parent. I don't adhere to the helicopter parent approach, but I do a good job. That helicopter parent is doing more damage than good. They are hovering around their kid, keeping them from encountering those things that will make them stronger. They keep their kids covered in a layer of sanitizing gel, then the child gets a common cold and is laid up in the hospital for a week.
Teach your kids the meaning of work. They are not too good to get their hands dirty. This country would be nowhere if early settlers didn't step out of their comfort zone. This sense of entitlement is going to lead to our country's down fall. It is not a step down if your kid is digging ditches. I did it, and I turned out fine. As a matter of fact, I tell people on a regular basis, that digging ditches was the only job I had, where you start at the top and work your way down. Go ahead and write that down.
Confidence is good, dumping it in them like they are awaiting the throne is not. They will have to eventually fend for themselves. Telling them that they are model material is bad too. I'm sure you think your child is gorgeous, you have too. Just be realistic about it. They will one day be at a modeling agency insisting that they have what it takes and end up being the model demonstrating how to use a Neti Pot.
Do what you want to do, just remember this. You could raise your children my way or you could open a pamphlet and see your little girl with a plastic pot shoved up one nostril and water pouring out the other. You decide.
Note: the Neti Pot is a fine product that works well. I just don't think I want anyone to see me use one.
Hand model > Sinus model.