This weekend we were in Half Moon Bay, California. My wife grew up there, so we try to visit as often as possible. I find it very interesting how the town has changed over the years. A lot of money has moved into the area, so you still have that small town feel, with a massive price tag. It stands to reason that this would happen. It is just south of San Francisco, along the coast. It is picture perfect and has a large artist community. Everything that attracts money.

For the most part, I don't play well with others. I like to poke these people with a stick, as often as possible. While we were at a small bakery, the woman in front of me goes into long winded dissertation prior to asking her question. She approached the counter and announced to the lady behind the counter, that she was having an upscale dinner party and wanted to know whether they could accommodate her needs and still ensure the top quality. It sounded a lot like (note: she sounded like Mrs Howell).... "I am having a dinner party that will include many high society people, can you tell me the origins of your grain and if you can guarantee that it will be of superior quality for my high society guests. Is your grain raised locally and can you give me a complete profile of the farmer. I can't supply my high society guests with any grain that was harvested cruelly. I need to see the signed contract that the grain willingly agreed to be a part of my bread. I would like to meet the young gentleman that hand carried said product to the eco-friendly vehicle and pictures of the wind powered mill as well."
OK, maybe this is a slight exaggeration, but to me that is what it sounded like. I was so interested in the conversation that I didn't realize that I was ignoring a young lady that was waiting to assist me. Now I decide to make fun of this stuck up customer by acting as snooty as her. I ask the employee if I could have a Cinnamon Crepe, then point out that I missed pronounced it and it was actually a Cinnamon Crisp. I apologize for the mistake and tell her that I recently returned from one of my many trips to Paris and haven't made the adjustment. She doesn't bat an eye and processes my order.
I realize when I was done, that my joke fell flat and she thinks I am one of the pretentious people.
Now I feel bad.
I really think you would like the show Portlandia. There are a lot of vignettes in that show where they make fun of the Portlandites who are obsessed with urban homesteading/local sourcing/organic blah blah.