As I slowly made my way past I saw in the distance something that made me reach for my trusty camera. Something that set the hairs on the back of my neck on end. I plunged my hand into my pocket, to come up empty handed. I turned to my travel companion and expected that she may be some assistance in this matter. She however was focused on the pack of candy that I had bribed her with, so she would join me. I went for my phone and unleashed it's camera.
It may be half woman half bear. I am really not sure. By the looks of it, the specimen was very aggressive. The expression engrained on it's face was so sour, that I felt

In our horror, she attacked one of the home improvement centers workers. As she insisted that they check in the back for a certain item that she was in need of. Apparently she did not understand the warehouse concept, and that there was not "back of the store

It was here that I knew that I needed to abort the operation and head for higher ground.
We barely escaped with our lives. But I would do it all again.
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