Thursday, October 28, 2010

Things are tough all over

In these trying times, it is good to remember that there are others out there that are less fortunate than yourself. No matter what your story is. You may think that life has you down. Remember, always look at the bright side of life (thanks Monty)....

Car trouble?
Remember, there is someone out there driving a Yugo.

Daughter pregnant?
You could have been octomom parent

Dental problems?
You could be English.

These are the things I think of. It helps to keep things in perspective. We all know times are tough, but truth is, it has been tougher. Easy for me to say, I have a job (for now), I have a roof over my head. But, history has proved that things have always been crappy. You didn't invent "hard times", and you are not the first person to the bottom of the barrel.

I ran across this can at an antique store. First of all, is it bizarre that people sell really old cans of trash? If I would have known this I would have save all those cans of Tab Cola twenty years ago. This can is for something used for constipation, it is really old and really big. Whatever was in it probably made you shoot your rectum across the room. The point is, people have been dealing with the same Crap forever.

Now pick up your rectum and get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. I often think how grateful I am that I'm not English. But that might just be the Irish in me and less about the oral wonkiness.
