This is not a big surprise if you met me. Turns out, there are not a lot of fat vegetarians.
Here is my take on it:
Eating other animals ensures our dominance of the food chain. If word gets out that we are soft, then the stronger more aggressive animals will take over. Monkeys are vegetarians. They are freakishly strong. The only thing that keeps them from ripping off our arms and taking over the world is that we are not above eating them.
Now, to the meat and potatoes...

I get that you don't eat meat. That is your thing. You are not doing your part to hold back the hordes of monkeys that are edging their way in, but whatever. What I don't get is, pretending to eat meat.
I give you Exhibit A
Big cans of fake hotdogs and scallops
and Exhibit B
Big cans of fake chicken patties, beef patties and steak.

If you are proud to be a vegetarian, then eat freakin vegetables. Why do you insist on eating crap shaped like meat, then tell me meat is murder????
Get over yourself.
If you are eating this, just eat meat.
If you are eating this, then you are a poser.
If you do not eat this packaged crap you are not on my list. If I offend you, I doubt you possess the upper body strength to do anything about it.