This particular morning, was very much ordinary. Holly was sleeping in, so it was me and my boy. We headed downstairs and started cooking. We decided on french toast and bacon. Jacob was very happy. He helped crack open the eggs, and mix. These are the things that me a good father. Making time for my kids.
Doing things together. No television. Me and my kids.
After helping me, Jacob grabbed an ad from the paper (he loves all ads, including infomercials), and sat outside the kitchen.
Son: "Daddy?"
Dad: "Yes?"
Son: "What is, hot tea?"
Dad: "Hot tea?"
Son: "Yes, hot tea"
Dad: "There is hot tea and iced tea. One is hot, one is cold.
About this time. I feel the overwhelming rush of satisfaction. Knowing that you are spending quality time with your child. Knowing that he can ask any question and I, his father can answer it.
Son: "Then what does it have to do with nurses or the police?"
Dad: "Excuse me?"
Son: "This says Hot tea nurse and hot tea police"

Dad: "Do you want to have a slice of bacon and watch cartoons?"
I hope it's ok I've shared this with my whole family. That is so adorable. That innocence will not last forever, let's treasure it!