Hart to Hart was a cheezy detective show from the 80's about a well to do couple (the Hart's) and their butler that solve crimes when they were not at the country club. There is a lull in the conversation and we realized that Jennifer Hart doesn't have an original thought in her head. This is where we turn on her an start making fun of the character. It was then that we realized that we had uncovered greatness.
When someone is talking to you, simply repeat one word from the end of their sentence, as a question. See sample conversation.Them: I am going out tonight
You: tonight?
Them: Yes, probably going to see a movie
You: Movie?
Them: Yes, I haven't been in a long time
You: long time?
It can go on forever, but you get the picture. Right about now you are thinking this is lame. This is what will happen. If you do this to an individual in a group, that person thinks you are engaged in the conversation. The other people will see what you are doing, and the fun begins. Give it a try.
A try?