Monday, May 23, 2011

worst idea...EVER!!!!!

My kids were watching TV, the other day.  They were watching one of the five thousand kids channels that are available.  The show goes to a commercial break, and I hear something very disturbing.  An add for a small hand held food processor, that caters to making baby food.  The product is made be the manufactures of the MAGIC BULLET.  Surely you have seen this, it is all over the infomercial circuit.
What caught my attention was not the product itself.  I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like to make their own baby food, that would appreciate it.  My problem is the name...


Are you freakin' kidding?!?!?! Somebody needs to be fired immediately.  I can't even imagine how this made it through.  What is even more interesting to me, is the list of names they deemed unacceptable:

The Infant Arsenal
The Food Regurgitator
The Child Annihilator

These are probably the same rocket scientists that convinced Chevy to sell the Nova in Mexico, without changing the name.  Nova means "no go" and Baby Bullet means something bad.  Really, really bad.

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